Thursday, February 24, 2011

The Planned Parenthood defunding and the recent attacks against Womankind.

WARNING: Severe language will be included in this blog. If you are offended, do NOT read.

You've been warned.

Alrighty, here I go. I have no nice words for this  so I'm just going to jump  in.

I can NOT believe America, home of the (supposed) free and land of the brave, has a government that is fighting to take away planned parenthood. I get that they (the gov.) want to keep women from having abortions because some idiots do not believe it should be allowed, although it is a woman's RIGHT to have one, but SERIOUSLY. Do you fucktards really believe that by TAKING AWAY contraception it will lead to less abortions? Did you not have math class in high school and/or college? No contraception = getting pregnant (MANY times, probably with MANY different partners) = poverty stricken women (aka poverty stricken single MOTHERS) = more children being abused, neglected, abandoned, etc. Oh yea, that makes perfect sense. But just as long as they aren't having an abortion, it's all gravy. Right? NO! (And yes, I'm about to hit on a religious rant, once again.) These Christian idiotic cretins are trying to stress the importance of being abstinent. Now, let's be honest with ourselves...who the hell is going to go without sex? I wouldn't. If I couldn't have sex with my husband I WOULD GO INSANE. Do you hear me? IN-fucking-SANE. With children being sexualized earlier and earlier these days, you would have to be the biggest retard to pretend your child will not have sex (just because you told them not to, or because you told them "god" doesn't approve). I can tell you, having been a 15 year old girl, I did not give two shits about who approved if I had sex or not. True fucking story. And if I hadn't have started taking birth control at age 16 I would probably have a fair few children by now. And just to clarify before I say this...I'm not saying children ruin lives, BUT if you are not ready to have children you shouldn't have to. If you WAIT until you are completely ready (as I did) then your child has a much better shot at a fantastic life, and who doesn't want the best for their child?

Now, let's move on to point number two in my rant. Some women need to take birth control because their cycle is severely off and/or because it will make them healthier due to a syndrome they may have. One example: PCOS (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome). I, personally, have PCOS and I'm not ashamed of it. It's is a genetic syndrome passed down through generations and it greatly affects hormonal balances. I, personally, NEED to take birth control because my cycles can get so horribly painful that I can't move. Yes, seriously. Another reason it was recommended for me at age 16, otherwise I may not have been able to go to school at times (because of the pain). Now, I won't get into this much because quite frankly it is way too much tmi, but suffice it to say...that I'm thankful for birth control for mainly that reason. I don't want to be in unbearable pain for a whole week. (And I'm talking constant, neverending pain.) All that being said...PCOS doesn't affect just people with health insurance. It's not selective, it's genetic. So that means low income women have it too. And what does that mean? Well, that means that there are low income women out there who NEED birth control just as much as I do. And if they can't get it because the Christian government still believes in the Puritanical ways of the 16th/17th Century, then what the hell is the point of saying America is a FREE country? Anyone? *crickets chirping* Exactly.

What this boils down to for me, in my opinion, it's a personal attack on women as a whole. WE are acquiring too much power in this world, and, apparently, we must be stopped. We are no longer killing ourselves by having 20 children per family (barefoot and pregnant syndrome), or by being complete slaves to our husbands and/or families), or by being so suppressed that we can't even wear a pair of jeans. WE are CEOs, moms, wives, STRONG, INTELLIGENT, completely self reliant, college professors, business-women, inventors, SOLDIERS, scientists, etc. The list of what a woman CAN do is absolutely endless. I am SO sick of hearing this idiotic opinion (mainly by men/people of the Christian - Abrahamic religions) that women need to be controlled and objectified. Let me tell YOU a little something. I will NOT be controlled. I will NOT be objectified. I will NOT be belittled. I will NOT be talked down to. I will NOT stop expressing myself. I will NOT stop being intelligent. I will NOT turn over my rights (whether reproductive or otherwise), as a woman, to some MAN and/or a government containing mainly MEN. I will NOT back down when I am standing up for myself and/or others. I don't give a shit if you can't handle me or not. That's more YOUR problem and not MINE. I will fight you and anyone else who trys to take away my freedoms. I will fight you until the day I pass from this realm. AND to add a nice little cherry on top, I will teach my daughter to also fight you. So go ahead and try to take away everything that we as women have fought so hard to acheive. You WILL have a war on your hands. Mothers, daughters, aunts, sisters, female cousins and grandmothers make up 98% of this world and there is that old addage "Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned". You really have no idea what you're getting yourself into, do you?

Just so everyone knows....they are not only trying to do this in the House and Congress, but in state governments as well. Georgia, for example, is trying to not only redefine RAPE but they are also attemping to form a "Uterus Squad". Stating that every-woman in the state of GA has to prove any miscarriage they have was 'natural' or 'accidental'. How exactly do you do that? I've had a miscarriage. Do they even know the definition of miscarriage. It's a 'spontaneous abortion caused by a woman's body'. It can be chromosonal complications and/or the mother is not healthy enough to support a growing fetus and/or an egg wasn't properly fertilized by the sperm and/or WHO THE FUCKS KNOWS WHY. I get that there are douche-clown-y women out there who are so fucking stupid that they can't figure out how to use birth control and/or a condom (yes, they make FEMALE condoms) and so they get pregnant (unplanned) and don't want the child so they cause themselves to have a miscarriage. BUT to PUNISH every woman out there because of those nasty bitches is absurd. Those bitches should be sterilized, period. You know what should be a choice for people like that? If you don't want children, get your fucking tubes tied and/or a hysterectomy. Stop being a FUCKING IDIOT. I can't even say enough on this subject because it pisses me off beyond ALL reason. And, yes, I could go on for years and years about this ...and I probably will.

We just simply cannot let anyone (especially MEN) tell us (women) what we can or cannot do. Whether it's about our bodies, reproduction, intelligence, weight, clothing, hair color, careers, etc. Men and women are EQUAL (although we all pretty much know that in reality women are not only the stronger sex, but the more intelligent....well mostly, I know some women who shouldn't even be allowed to be taking up space on this Earth). Without this balance of equality everything goes absolutely wonky (case and point: NOW). Balance, balance, balance, balance....and yes, balance. Do you need me to say it again? FUCKING BALANCE.

Ok, there. NOW I'm done. Well, maybe not.

(BTW, please overlook any misspelt words and/or punctuation issues. I am simply too aggravated to correct it at the moment.) - (I'm also including the link to a very awesome YouTube vid that pretty much expresses the outrage every woman should feel.)

YT vid --> 

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

The Potty Mouth Police

*Foul language WARNING.*

Pet peeve 1,467 - The Potty Mouth Police.

Since when has Facebook and/or Myspace become a family affair? I've been hearing and reading lately, about people so pissed off that someone has dropped the 'F-bomb' and their children happened to have read it. #1) Why are you letting your six year old have a profile on a social network, especially one with mostly adults? I wouldn't. 2) We are all adults, well MOST of us are, so what does it matter how I chose to speak (or type)? I see little teenagers, and even some twenty-somethings typing like they never had an English class before...and they never really get any backlash (although they should because it makes my skin crawl to see 'know' spelt 'no'). The last time I checked I live in the good ole USA. A country of freedom. A country that supposedly upholds the Constitution. I have the right of free speach and by George I'm going to exercise my right. If I want to scream (or rather type, in all caps) the word FUCK...guess what? I'm going to do just that. Don't like it? Well, that's something more in the range of YOUR problem, and not MINE. It just burns my ass to hear from someone how I am vulgar for typing some curse words, when they themselves trade derogatory insults with their spouses and/or other people. What makes you any better than me exactly? Maybe you just want to be the one who messes up your kid, is that it? I tell ya what. De-friend me, and just move it on along. I watch my mouth in front of MY child. I worry about MY child. When I see someone being a total and complete retard I (usually) don't call them out, I either ignore it and move on or I delete them. It's called being grown. And since I am grown, I can do what I want. It's one of those wonderful perks that I completely enjoy about being an adult. All that being said...I am (again..usually) a VERY respectful person those who respect me. If we have this mutual respect and you prefer I tone down my opinions and/or cursing, I do. If I couldn't care any less about you or what you think, it's a different matter.

I could, honestly, rattle on all day about this sort of stuff. But I'll end it here. I just had to get that out of my system because it's been killing me for some time now. Yes, indeed. Ahem...moving on... =)