Friday, July 20, 2012

Holy Birthers, Batman! (Ranting, raving, and my sincere condolences.)

Before I begin, I'd like to say that I'm appalled at how many natural born US citizens actually know our laws. Do you people not read?!

I feel that I have an obligation as a US citizen to explain this to fellow US citizens. Though, I'm fairly certain that 20% of the US already understands this as they were required to take a citizenship test BEFORE becoming US citizens. Also, I'd take a guess that *only* FIVE PERCENT of the natural born citizens will understand this. (Definition :: natural born citizen - a child (a person) who is born in a country to parents who are citizens of 'said' country.) I will try to go slow so that you can all follow along. Mmmkay?

Q : What are the requirements of becoming the President of the United States?

A :
  • Only native-born U.S. citizens (or those born abroad, but only to parents who were both citizens of the U.S.) may be president of the United States, though from time to time that requirement is called into question, most recently after Arnold Schwarzenegger, born in Austria, was elected governor of California, in 2003. The Constitution originally provided a small loophole to this provision: One needn't have been born in the United States but had to be a citizen at the time the Constitution was adopted. But, since that occurred in 1789, that ship has sailed.
  • One must also be at least 35 years of age to be president. John F. Kennedy was the youngest person to be elected president; he was 43 years old when he was inaugurated in 1961. There is no maximum age limit set forth in the Constitution. Ronald Reagan was the oldest president; at the end of his term in 1988, he was nearly 77.
  • Finally, one must live in the United States for at least 14 years to be president, in addition to being a natural-born citizen. The Constitution is vague on this point. For example, it does not make clear whether those 14 years need to be consecutive or what the precise definition of residency is. So far, however, this requirement has not been challenged.
These are the only explicit criteria in the Constitution. 

Now that we have that out of the way, let'e begin to break this down, shall we?
Alright. So. Barack Hussein Obama II is our 44th and current President of the United States of American. His mother, Stanley Ann Dunham (Ann Dunham) married his father, Barack Obama Sr in early February of 1961, in Hawaii. - Just TWO YEARS after Hawaii becoming the 50th state of the United States. - She was already pregnant with President Obama. Ms. Dunham was born in Kansas. Mr. Obama (Sr) was born in Kenya. Their son, President Barack Obama II was born in Hawaii (August 1961). There was a multitude of false claims that our President was born in Kenya, and that his birth certificate from Hawaii was a forgery. Now, this is where you need to pay attention folks. President Obama has a legit birth certificate from the US STATE OF HAWAII. Don't believe it's real? Not my problem. But, I'll play Devil's Advocate with you for a second. Even if Pres Obama was born in Kenya he is still a US citizen. Yep, I said it. Are you mind blown yet? Read this : 

U.S. territoriesThere are special provisions governing children born in current and former U.S. territories or possessions, including Puerto Rico, the Panama Canal ZonePanama, the Virgin IslandsGuam, and the Northern Mariana Islands. There are also special considerations for those born in Alaska and Hawaii before those territories acquired statehood. For example, 8 U.S.C. § 1402 states that "[a]ll persons born in Puerto Rico on or after January 13, 1941, and subject to the jurisdiction of the United States, are citizens of the United States at birth".

Now, read this :

Statute, by parentageUnder certain circumstances, children may acquire U.S. citizenship from their parents. The following conditions affect children born outside the U.S. and its outlying possessions to married parents (special conditions affect children born out of wedlock: see below):[6]
  • If both parents are U.S. citizens, the child is a citizen if either of the parents has ever legally resided in the U.S. prior to the child's birth
  • If one parent is a U.S. citizen and the other parent is a U.S. national, the child is a citizen if the U.S. citizen parent has lived in the U.S. for a continuous period of at least one year prior to the child's birth
  • If one parent is a U.S. citizen and the other parent is not, the child is a citizen if
  • the U.S. citizen parent has been "physically present"[7] in the U.S. before the child's birth for a total period of at least five years, and
  • at least two of those five years were after the U.S. citizen parent's fourteenth birthday.[8]

So. According to everything that we know, Ms. Ann Dunham was a resident of Hawaii and attending a university there. She had previously lived in Kansas, California, Texas, Oklahoma, and Washington. Her father was also in the US ARMY. Her life is remembered quite well by those who knew her. You can trace her throughout the United States through friends and family. She passed, sadly, at the age of 52, from uterine cancer. 

Mr. Barack Obama, Sr was from Kenya. He traveled extensively, attending multiple US universities along the way. As far as I know, he never became an actual US citizen. BUT, here is where everyone keeps getting it WRONG. I'm type it slowly, so that maybe you people will understand better.....

President Obama's mother was a US citizen so therefore, SO IS HE. Period. Done. That's, literally, all you need to know. Just because some person put a birth certificate online and claimed it was the certificate of President Obama doesn't make it true. This.. is where it gets a bit bigoty. (I realize that's not a word, but let's pretend it is.)

President Obama graduated from Harvard Law School, was also a teacher and lecturer there. He has worked with countless civil rights and voter registration campaigns. Was a State Senator of Illinois, then a US Senator, and then on to become our 44th President. 

If he wasn't a US citizen he would not have been able to hold both of those offices, and then hold (and as current) the office of Commander and Chief. Absolutely NO ONE challenged his birth place and birth certificate UNTIL he actually succeeded in becoming President. Did anyone notice that? Of course not. They didn't think he would actually get elected. But, he did.. and man, oh man... I thought the world was going to end. A black dude in the WHITE House! Yowza. Here's the thing, though. He's not just some random black dude. He's an educated, very WELL educated, black dude. Who also happens to be HALF WHITE. His mother was white, his father was black. That's makes him half of each. I think that in itself bothers most of the birthers than they would like to admit. They claim this mess is about his birth certificate, but when you listen closely to their arguments they make absolutely no sense. They want you to believe it's because they want to uphold Constitutional law, that's why they are hounding a man that was a civil rights activist, Harvard Law graduate, and overall decent human being. Listen closely, my friends. What is the first thing that pops up when these degenerates begin talking? KENYA. Who primarily lives in Kenya? A bunch of black people. I'm not saying they are all racist. I'm saying MOST of them are. Their posturing, their innuendos, their rage .. is all directed at the place of Kenya and the fact that our President has relatives there. And, OH, let's not forget that his name sounds "foreign" so therefore he must be foreign as well. Are you really serious?! Everything that these people hold against President Obama ARE THE SAME THINGS THAT COULD ALSO BE HELD AGAINST MY OWN CHILDREN. They were born in a foreign country (President Obama was not.). They have "foreign sounding" names (especially compared to John, Sally, and Sara.. which is the norm in the US.). I mean, I just can't wrap my head around the thought process of these people. Is he the US's greatest President? Nope. In my personal opinion.. he's doing a much better job than George Bush did. But, wait, I almost forgot.. Dubya was/is a rich white guy. Who has a rich white guy for a father, who was ALSO President. Of course it's alright for him to make a million mistakes. Only white people can make mistakes and get away with it. AmIRight?! 

Look. I'm not saying you have to love the guy. I'm not saying you even have to like him. But, to continue to harbor this idiotic hatred against him just because you THINK he might have been born in another country, just because you don't like his name, just because you THINK his birth certificate isn't real, just because his father was from Kenya, just because his mother (a white woman) married his father (a black man), is beyond ridiculous. You continue to believe all of these negative things even when you are given FACTUAL EVIDENCE to the contrary. FACTUAL EVIDENCE. I just can't seem to scream that loud enough. 

When you look back at all of the evidence that proves our current President is, indeed, a US citizen.. you wonder how people can continually be in this state of disbelief. Even playing Devil's Advocate, I go back to the question of : IF he is not a true US citizen WHY did no one contest him being a State AND US Senator for all of those years?! WHY is it that only when he was actually elected by the American people, did they question his integrity?! I'll give you one word, and you can take it or leave it. Racism. It's alive. It's STILL rampant in my (our) beloved country. We are STILL surrounded by bigots at every turn. The same bigots who protested slaves being freed and African Americans becoming full members of society (read that as HUMAN), are now protesting the "new" feminist uprising and LGBT rights. THESE ARE HUMAN RIGHTS. HUMAN. RIGHTS. Not even one of you have the power to judge someone else, especially by their skin color or sex or sexual orientation. You hide behind your religion, your "god", your churches, your horrible grammar... STOP HIDING. Let that bigot flag fly. Own that shit. Be responsible for ONCE in your miserable lives and say at the top of your lungs, "WE HATE OBAMA *BECAUSE* NOT ONLY IS HE MORE INTELLIGENT THAT US, BUT *BECAUSE* A PART OF HIM IS BLACK!" Do it and I'll leave you alone. Do that, and the world will finally realize just how low you all really are. 

 There are two ways to be fooled. One is to believe what isn't true; the other is to refuse to accept what is true.
Soren Kierkegaard

As one of my favorite FB pages says, "We survived Bush. You will survive Obama."


As I was writing this, I heard about the horrible shooting in Aurora, CO. My sincere condolences go out to the families of all victims. I cannot imagine your pain/grief. First the fires, now THIS. A friend brought up the little rant Rush Limbaugh went on the other day about 'The Dark Knight Rises' and how he thought it was a "liberal conspiracy". Here's a link to the article :

It's no secret that I find Mr. Limbaugh disgusting. I always have. He's a pig, and an idiot. He spouts lies to an audience that simply cannot think for themselves, so they allow others to do it for them. It's no surprise that he does this for money. He constantly claims that he does this to help spread the "truth". Really, Mr. Limbaugh? If you did this as a public service, WITHOUT PAY, then maybe I would take notice. However, you make thousands (millions?) of dollars just to divide the American people. You, sir, are a hypocrite.

Moving on...

This man who went into the theater and shot innocent men, women, and children is being called insane. I'm not so sure he was. His actions seem very calculated to me (the riot type gear he was wearing, the tear gas, his waiting until the "fight scene" to begin). Whatever his reason, whatever his mental state.. I am hoping he gets what is coming to him. I hope that Lady Justice deals him a heavy blow. He's a murderer. A sadist. He does not deserve to live, but I think he should. He should be made to relive the screams of those innocent people for the rest of his miserable life.

Again, I am so very sorry for your losses. Please know that my heart hurts along with yours.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

The War on Women.

I'll give fair warning.. I may not be able to write this without a many varied curse words, so those of you who may be offended by such words should probably leave now.

  I've been reading article after article lately about this "war" on birth control, abortion, women. Today just about topped it off for me. I saw a picture, and I will include it in this entry, of the witnesses testifying on the birth control benefit right now on Capitol Hill (instigated by Repuke-acans). They are all MEN. No, you read that correctly. They are all men. To quote the article, " The five-person, all-male panel consists of a Roman Catholic Bishop, a Lutheran Reverend, a rabbi and two professors." Ummm..? *facepalm* So, when did Christian MEN become experts on women's rights/birth control/abortion? Have any of these men ever been pregnant? Experience the loss of a child? Experienced having to give birth? Experienced giving birth to a child with disabilities and/or deformities? Experienced raising that child mostly by themselves (as most women do)? Breastfed? Bottle fed, even? Do any of these men even have kids (seeing as the clergy usually does NOT allow their priests, preachers, etc to reproduce)? I am at an all time loss for words about this. Repukes have waged this absolute WAR on women, in the name of Christianity and "traditional family values". Want to know what the scariest part is? PEOPLE ARE BUYING THEIR BULLSHIT, INCLUDING SOME WOMEN. That. Is. Terrifying. WHY would you buy into this crap? WHY do you want people controlling your uterus/ovaries/vagina? If you are so "holy" maybe you should take a look at your Bible again. If "God" did indeed make you, then obviously he wanted you to make decisions for your own body. He wouldn't have made each individual person with FREE WILL, just so they could be make into slaves. WHAT is WRONG with YOU, that you BELIEVE this NONSENSE? I am mind blown.

I just can't understand. What makes it worse for me is knowing what my children could face in the future. Some states are adopting this 'no abortion, no Plan B' bill.. no matter if you've been raped (by a family member or others), severe deformities, life or death for mother and child. I understand wanting to limit it for those people who seem to believe abortion is contraception, I totally get that. BUT, in MOST cases abortion is NOT used for contraception. In most cases abortion is used for the situations they have banned (rape, deformities, life/death). Does this make sense to anyone? It sure doesn't to me. If I am raped, I would NOT want to be FORCED to have my rapist's child. If my child were found that they would be born without arms and legs, or without a brain, or without a spinal cord.. I would not force them into this world, into a living hell of a life. If I were ever in a life/death situation with one of my children, I would choose life for them (obviously). But, let's be honest. These situations are hard. They require educated decisions. Absolutely no woman I have ever known who has had an abortion (and I do know a few), has ever made the decision lightly. It was for a damn good reason. This is where most people go deaf because "no reason can be a good reason". Well, I'll tell ya what Mrs/Mr Perfect.. I would LOVE to see what YOU would do in a situation like that. You would become the biggest hypocrite since Santorum (who is so avidly against contraception and abortion, yet HIS WIFE had at least ONE abortion - that we know of). And, yes, he wants to control YOUR lady parts.. as well as those of your DAUGHTERS, SISTERS, MOTHERS, WIVES, BEST FRIENDS, etc. Throw in Mittens, Newt, and Paul.. you have one of the biggest clusterf*cks to ever happen to America. And people really, honestly, truly believe Obama is the bad one. REALLY?!?!?!?! Under his Presidency he's gotten gay marriage passed, free/low cost birth control for women.. and a million other things for minorities in our country. Yet, he's the Anti-Christ. *insert eyeroll* If he's the Anti-Christ, I would hate to see what you people are calling the 'Savior'. Again, I say, I am mind blown.

Why is it so hard to give proper education on sexual matters? Why is everyone so adamant that teens will not have sex? Teens will have sex. Teens have been having sex since the beginning of time. When we give our children/teens only two options of role models, what exactly do we expect of them? 'You can either use this INSANE Religious Right person as your role model OR this whorey alcoholic teen mom.' Oh yea, great parenting. Great role models. Yea.. how about NO. I agree, to a point, that some kids just will not listen and they will make mistakes. However, most kids/teens need guidance. If they do not receive that guidance from their parents and/or good role models in their lives.. they are more likely to look for it in the wrong places. There are more single parents in this day and age than in the past. There are more parents working outside of the home, too busy to truly be there for their children than ever before. (And, no, I'm not knocking parents who work. I'm not blaming them for everything. Most, however, do not give their all to their children when they should. Especially if they had children before they were ready. It does have an affect. You'd be seriously lying to yourself if you said it didn't. - We do have parents of all lifestyles who are sucky, and who rock it out. So, don't send me hate-mail. I'm stating what statistics say.) I digress... purity rings do not work, promises to "God" do not work, church groups/youth groups do not work, abstinence does not work. Stop lying to yourselves and start educating your children/teens. 

Start educating yourselves. Learn the difference between when someone is greasing you and when someone is really truly trying to help. Politicians are notorious for being fantastic "magicians" (in the sense of - don't pay attention to what my left hand is doing, my right is giving you what you want -). NO politician is perfect. Obama is certainly not perfect. He's done things that I don't approve of. Especially when it comes to military matters, which does effect my family and I directly. However, we also have to remember how messed up Backwoods Bush left things. Do most of you have any idea how screwed we were? One of the worst things he did was throw us into a WORLD WAR just for OIL. His children went to Harvard or Yale, and YOUR CHILDREN went to die. Oh yea, let's vote him in again. Let's continue to vote in people like him, so that they can get richer while your children die in foreign places that happen to have things our old rich white men want. I'm at a loss as to how people can so easily and openly criticize Obama's mistakes, yet continue to stand up for Bush (and his cronies). We are free to express ourselves. For now, anyway. Our Congress/Senate is so full of douchecanoes that we can't even make a decision in the proper way anymore. Our forefathers are absolutely tossing and turning in their graves, wondering how this beautiful country, this beautiful idea, has become so corrupt and infected. It breaks my heart that most Americans would rather sit around drinking beer and watching an idiotic football game, than pay attention to the condition of the world in which they are passing on to their children. I ask again : WHY?

And, I say yet again... I am mind blown.

I feel the need to throw this in as well, because I am standing for my/our household in this blog entry : Just because you are a Christian does NOT mean you OWN the rest of the world. Get over yourselves. We have a Pagan/Atheist household, nothing Christian ever enters this house. You have NO power with "alternative" peoples (and there are more of us than you think, btw). Just because you claim to be Christian also does not make you one. It's like saying you're a car just because you're standing in a garage. You lust for power. You are greedy. You are foul. Jesus stood for non of that. If he did exist, he stood for the opposite. You are not only a disgrace to the human race, but a disgrace to your so-called "relationship with god". You make me (and millions of others).. sick. Your 'human-card' has officially been revoked. Take your tail, tuck it, and go the f*ck back home.