First...I can't stand when women teach their daughters to 'hide' when they start their periods. [Yes, ladies and gentlemen - although I'm sure the gentlemen probably left after seeing the word 'period' - this blog is about the cycle of a woman. Deal with it. Grow up.] Why is it so shameful to be a woman? STILL in today's society most people get super uncomfortable when they have to talk about their cycles. WHY? This is nature at it's best. When you have that cycle every month it is saying that you can produce children. Who doesn't want that reassurance? There are ladies out there who are having serious issues and cannot get pregnant, then there are some who have had to have surgeries [due to cancer, etc.] and will NEVER be able to carry a child of their own. Shouldn't we teach our daughters to be proud of being women? Shouldn't there be pride in being a creator/bearer of LIFE? I don't understand this. I truly don't. Sometimes I feel more like a woman during my cycle. I definitely felt amazing during my entire pregnancy. I had, literally, never felt more beautiful. Being a mother has opened up this whole new blissful experience for me. I feel so much more connected to the Earth, the planets, a higher consciousness. Most women do not know that we as women are connected to the Moon. I'll quote a small section from Wiki and another informative website... :
The word "menstruation" is etymologically related to "moon". The terms "menstruation" and "menses" are derived from the Latin mensis (month), which in turn relates to the Greek mene (moon) and to the roots of the English words month and moon. The synodical lunar month, the period between two new moons (or full moons), is 29.53 days long. This corresponds to the true average menstrual cycle length of 29.50 days, particularly typical of women in peak reproductive years.
Not from Wiki : Human beings are affected by the moon. Women especially are affected by the moon and their menstrual cycle is intimately linked to this celestial body.
The moon:
■regulates your menstrual cycle,
■can trigger ovulation and fertile times,
■affects your emotions and
■affects the way people behave and view the world.
Women are connected to the moon by our blood, our hormones and our souls.
In myth the Moon is a primary female archetype travelling the great round of Birth, Maturation, Death and Rebirth each month. This is a primal fundamental cycle of the universe of which every single living thing participates.
When we realize just how much Earth and celestial energies affect our bodies and daily lives, it's amazing. I've researched this for years. It harkens to the 'String Theory' also known as the 'Web Theory'. Basically, it's this... We are all connected to everyone and everyTHING, by a series of so-called 'strings' throughout the cosmos. It's a fascinating theory. One that Native American Indians knew about BEFORE modern science. That, my friends, has been proven through creation stories, etc...PLUS cave/rock paintings.
Before I go off on this scientific tangent [which is really not what this blog is about..] I'd like to get to my point, which is this... Men and women together create LIFE. Women nurture and 'feed' that life until it is ready to be born. Then women give birth to that life. It is one of the most magical experiences in this life. And it all starts with a monthly 'period'. I find everything about life beautiful. This is why I just can't imagine feeling weird or ashamed of being a woman. I'm proud.
Now. Let's move on to the second pet peeve I'd like to mention: One-upping. This can go in many different directions, but for this blog it's about women. Mainly women having children.
I know women [and young girls] who are popping out children just to one-up other women. I loathe this. More than I can ever express in typed words. I know a couple of them personally. Which drives me nuts. Who cares if you can pop out 10 kids to my one? I sure don't. Go ahead and have a million for all I care. I will have another child when I damn well feel like it. I, personally, think children should be spaced a decent amount so that the first born doesn't feel like you are replacing him/her. We want to enjoy our daughter for awhile and then we'll think about having another, at some point. Like I have said a million times, and I will say it a million more: Children are not things. They are gifts. The ultimate gift. The best gift I've ever received. :)
On a very happy note: 2011 is upon us. I hope everyone has a fantastic New Year. 2010 was amazing for me, so I am thinking 2011 will be even better, if that's even possible [because it rocked]. I have my amazing husband and our perfect little baby girl. That's all I need.
Happy New Year!