Christmas is a Christian Holiday (Holy Day)! We are a Christian Nation that allows all people to practice whatever religion they wish. We put it in our Constitution and our Bill of Rights as "Freedom of Religion". Only a Christian Nation would do this. Now, that I've succeeded in pissing some people off, let me conclude by saying: "Take your Happy Holiday greetings and shove 'em up your ass
I just saw a so-called 'friend' (now ex-friend) of mine post this. Obviously it's to piss people off and that's fine. Immature people always feel they need the final word, and I'm sure she feels superior because she all of a sudden grew some ovaries and posted it. Bravo.
Here's my problem with this "status" (and again, it's a 'copy & paste' status and we all know how much I loathe those)....
1) We are a Christian Nation that allows all people to practice whatever religion they wish.
A) Ummm, since when are we a Christian Nation? How about Never O'Clock, don't act like an idiot.. do your history. Also, Christianity does not OWN everyone else. We're free to do whatever the hell we want, we don't need them to ALLOW the rest of us to do anything. Get over yourself. Also...look in the mirror.
2) We put it in our Constitution and our Bill of Rights as "Freedom of Religion". Only a Christian Nation would do this.
A) Only a *Christian* nation would promote freedom and choice? Since when? The Inquisition? The Crusades? The war they've been waging on Islam (Muslim) the last ten years? Oh yea... SUPER tolerant these people.
THIS is WHY I have such a conviction against *most* Christian people. Everyone else makes mistakes, except them. Even when the rest of us are being cordial to them, we're STILL WRONG. Give me a break. I don't think I have to break out the tons of cult leaders who are Christian. How about the child abuse that has and is occuring in CHRISTIAN churches? How about the fact that they murdered and tortured MILLIONS of people just because they wouldn't convert? And, even in our modern day, they are STILL a bunch of a-holes hell bent on having power over everything and everyone. Not this girl. Not this girl's husband and children. I have a brain and a heart. People who pass around statuses like this are ignorant of many things, and I find it especially sad that I know so many of them personally. You don't have to say 'Happy Holidays' to me, I don't give two rats what greeting you use at that time of year. I really don't. I just ask for respect, which you will have in return. My friends and family who are Christian (and also possess intelligence) KNOW that I would never intentionally seek to hurt anyone, therefore when I get on my soapbox they know to either overlook me and/or have an intelligent discussion with me. It's the ignorant Christians that chap me (or ignorant people in GENERAL). They are also the ones who are racist, anti-choice, tyranical, anti-gay/lesbian/transgender, etc. I simply cannot be friends with people like this. It goes against everything I believe in. I will ALWAYS stand up for what I believe and what is right... no matter if I'm standing alone or not.
I can promise you one are never standing alone :)