Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Amazing PSA from the 'Fat Pastor'!

Yes, this is an actual CHRISTIAN pastor. Extremely intelligent. Amazing speech. Couldn't have said this better myself. Love it! -- P.S. Read it, the whole thing.

Happy Holiday from the Fat Pastor: 
A few weeks ago I read a letter to the editor which basically said that anyone who says, “Happy Holidays,” is a P.C., Christmas-hating, God-ridiculing, Communist. Okay, so those weren’t his exact words, but he was clear that he was not a fan of the alliterative greeting.
I really do not understand why people do not like the greeting “Happy Holidays.” I too celebrate Christmas, but if I want to say, “Happy Holidays,” does that make me less Christian? Is saying “Merry Christmas,” really the badge of true Christianity? When someone says “Merry Christmas,” are they then keeping the day holy? 
The only reason most people care about whether or not you say “HH” or “MC” is because Bill O’Reilly made it a big deal. Before he claimed that there is a “war on Christmas,” no one noticed said war. “Seasons Greetings,” and “Happy Holidays” have been accepted greetings for years. There is an old Christmas song, “Happy Holidays,” that no one seemed to mind. The word holiday is a contraction of the words holy day, so in effect, we are saying “Happy Holy Days,” thus keeping Christmas holy. 
Plus, this is simply the time of year when there are a lot of holy days. Beginning with Thanksgiving, then Christmas, and New Years, this is considered the holiday season. I’m not sure why acknowledging a coincidence of our calendar is somehow seen as “attacking Christmas.” Another holy day in this season is Hanukkah. Hanukkah is actually a minor feast day in the Jewish tradition, but has been co-opted for commercial reasons. Much like Christmas was. 
For many centuries Christmas was not a holiday. Two of the four Biblical Gospels give no account of Jesus’ birth, and Matthew and Luke have almost no references back to the birth stories once they are over. The birth stories were not a big deal to early Christians. Christmas only became a holiday as a way to appease pagans in the Roman empire. It is little more than a co-opted winter festival.
 But today it has become an important holiday. Not only in our religion, but more so in our culture and economy. Many retailers depend on the holiday season to survive. And mind you, not everyone buying a bunch of crap at Christmas time is Christian. For the most part, Christmas has become a cultural holiday – driven by economic need much more than religious fervor. 
So when people get angry when someone says “Happy Holidays,” I get angry that they are angry. If you want to keep Christ in Christmas, worry about things more important than the signs and decorations at JC Penney. You think Christmas should be about Christ? Then take up your cross and follow Jesus – not into department stores, but into the prisons, the hospitals, among the poor and the outcast. You get angry when someone doesn’t say “Christmas?” Try getting angry over Christ’s children dying of malnutrition or AIDS. Try getting angry over the fact that the Christmas chocolate you love so much was kept cheap on the back of the working poor. Try getting angry over the fact that Christians are keeping people out of churches with their closed minds and closed doors. 
You want to keep Christ in Christmas? Try putting Christ in your life first. Then we’ll talk about how to greet each other. And if you want a truly Christian greeting, one that makes no mistake whether or not you follow the Christ child, try, “the peace of Christ be with you.” You brood of vipers. You hypocrites. Try getting upset over something that matters. Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays

I'm surrounded by idiots. Or.. I used to be.

Christmas is a Christian Holiday (Holy Day)! We are a Christian Nation that allows all people to practice whatever religion they wish. We put it in our Constitution and our Bill of Rights as "Freedom of Religion". Only a Christian Nation would do this. Now, that I've succeeded in pissing some people off, let me conclude by saying: "Take your Happy Holiday greetings and shove 'em up your ass

I just saw a so-called 'friend' (now ex-friend) of mine post this. Obviously it's to piss people off and that's fine. Immature people always feel they need the final word, and I'm sure she feels superior because she all of a sudden grew some ovaries and posted it. Bravo. 

Here's my problem with this "status" (and again, it's a 'copy & paste' status and we all know how much I loathe those).... 

1) We are a Christian Nation that allows all people to practice whatever religion they wish.

A) Ummm, since when are we a Christian Nation? How about Never O'Clock, don't act like an idiot.. do your history. Also, Christianity does not OWN everyone else. We're free to do whatever the hell we want, we don't need them to ALLOW the rest of us to do anything. Get over yourself. Also...look in the mirror.

2) We put it in our Constitution and our Bill of Rights as "Freedom of Religion". Only a Christian Nation would do this.

A) Only a *Christian* nation would promote freedom and choice? Since when? The Inquisition? The Crusades? The war they've been waging on Islam (Muslim) the last ten years? Oh yea... SUPER tolerant these people. 

THIS is WHY I have such a conviction against *most* Christian people. Everyone else makes mistakes, except them. Even when the rest of us are being cordial to them, we're STILL WRONG. Give me a break. I don't think I have to break out the tons of cult leaders who are Christian. How about the child abuse that has and is occuring in CHRISTIAN churches? How about the fact that they murdered and tortured MILLIONS of people just because they wouldn't convert? And, even in our modern day, they are STILL a bunch of a-holes hell bent on having power over everything and everyone. Not this girl. Not this girl's husband and children. I have a brain and a heart. People who pass around statuses like this are ignorant of many things, and I find it especially sad that I know so many of them personally. You don't have to say 'Happy Holidays' to me, I don't give two rats what greeting you use at that time of year. I really don't. I just ask for respect, which you will have in return. My friends and family who are Christian (and also possess intelligence) KNOW that I would never intentionally seek to hurt anyone, therefore when I get on my soapbox they know to either overlook me and/or have an intelligent discussion with me. It's the ignorant Christians that chap me (or ignorant people in GENERAL). They are also the ones who are racist, anti-choice, tyranical, anti-gay/lesbian/transgender, etc. I simply cannot be friends with people like this. It goes against everything I believe in. I will ALWAYS stand up for what I believe and what is right... no matter if I'm standing alone or not.