Monday, December 5, 2011

All the rewards, and no work.

I simply LOVE these young(er) ladies who want nothing but rewards, for no work. Especially when it comes to babies and pregnancy. I want a baby, but I'd better not get any stretch marks. I want a baby, but I don't want to give up my Prada purses. I want a baby, but I don't want to give up my daily spa treatments. I want, I want, I want, I want, I want..... BUT.

Get the fuck over yourself. You don't want a baby, you want a doll. You want something to dress up and parade around, then when you're tired of it you want someone else to take the responsibility. News flash: Not gonna happen. Being a mother means sacrificing so much that you're small little minds can't even comprehend. You're favorite clothes will be riddled with stains and you're favorite things will probably get broken. All that time of doing whatever you want, whenever you want.. is now gone. No more being a porn star in every guy's eyes, except your husband. No more waltzing around in 20 inch heels, it's simply not safe. You'll be running after your kid all the time. No more ME, ME, ME, ME, ME. And, if you are still a selfish bitch when you think about having children, I'll offer a nice piece of advice that WILL help in many ways : DON'T HAVE CHILDREN. Save them years of therapy, and WAIT until you're READY..

This subject gets under my skin more than others because I've watched people in my own family be this way. I swore I would NEVER be like that. After seeing all of the mistakes made by family and friends, I planned my having children very carefully. I cherish every second. I love my stretch marks. I don't miss any of the sacrifices I made (although, I would have been 80% covered in ink right now). I don't regret a day and you know why? I had children when I was ready. I was prepared. I was educated. I was stable. I love them more than my own life, and that is what you need when raising a child. I will NEVER make the mistakes of my childhood. I will make my own mistakes, everyone does, but thankfully I was able to learn enough through watching others that my children will get a better shake. It makes me feel awesome to know that I've broken the cycle of abuse (verbal and otherwise) rampant in my family. It will exist no more. I'd rather DIE than my children ever feel unwanted or that they are pieces of trash because they made mommy's body look less and less like a supermodel. I'm a role model, I'm comfortable in my own skin, and I could not be happier with my life. If I can pass just those three traits to my children, I'll have fulfilled my life's purpose.

Motherhood is hard, but it's the satisfying kind of hard. Every smile and every hug you get from your children are worth more than any possession or high paying career (or even 'new' boobs). They are priceless. They are perfection. They are THE VERY BEST of you. 

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Amazing PSA from the 'Fat Pastor'!

Yes, this is an actual CHRISTIAN pastor. Extremely intelligent. Amazing speech. Couldn't have said this better myself. Love it! -- P.S. Read it, the whole thing.

Happy Holiday from the Fat Pastor: 
A few weeks ago I read a letter to the editor which basically said that anyone who says, “Happy Holidays,” is a P.C., Christmas-hating, God-ridiculing, Communist. Okay, so those weren’t his exact words, but he was clear that he was not a fan of the alliterative greeting.
I really do not understand why people do not like the greeting “Happy Holidays.” I too celebrate Christmas, but if I want to say, “Happy Holidays,” does that make me less Christian? Is saying “Merry Christmas,” really the badge of true Christianity? When someone says “Merry Christmas,” are they then keeping the day holy? 
The only reason most people care about whether or not you say “HH” or “MC” is because Bill O’Reilly made it a big deal. Before he claimed that there is a “war on Christmas,” no one noticed said war. “Seasons Greetings,” and “Happy Holidays” have been accepted greetings for years. There is an old Christmas song, “Happy Holidays,” that no one seemed to mind. The word holiday is a contraction of the words holy day, so in effect, we are saying “Happy Holy Days,” thus keeping Christmas holy. 
Plus, this is simply the time of year when there are a lot of holy days. Beginning with Thanksgiving, then Christmas, and New Years, this is considered the holiday season. I’m not sure why acknowledging a coincidence of our calendar is somehow seen as “attacking Christmas.” Another holy day in this season is Hanukkah. Hanukkah is actually a minor feast day in the Jewish tradition, but has been co-opted for commercial reasons. Much like Christmas was. 
For many centuries Christmas was not a holiday. Two of the four Biblical Gospels give no account of Jesus’ birth, and Matthew and Luke have almost no references back to the birth stories once they are over. The birth stories were not a big deal to early Christians. Christmas only became a holiday as a way to appease pagans in the Roman empire. It is little more than a co-opted winter festival.
 But today it has become an important holiday. Not only in our religion, but more so in our culture and economy. Many retailers depend on the holiday season to survive. And mind you, not everyone buying a bunch of crap at Christmas time is Christian. For the most part, Christmas has become a cultural holiday – driven by economic need much more than religious fervor. 
So when people get angry when someone says “Happy Holidays,” I get angry that they are angry. If you want to keep Christ in Christmas, worry about things more important than the signs and decorations at JC Penney. You think Christmas should be about Christ? Then take up your cross and follow Jesus – not into department stores, but into the prisons, the hospitals, among the poor and the outcast. You get angry when someone doesn’t say “Christmas?” Try getting angry over Christ’s children dying of malnutrition or AIDS. Try getting angry over the fact that the Christmas chocolate you love so much was kept cheap on the back of the working poor. Try getting angry over the fact that Christians are keeping people out of churches with their closed minds and closed doors. 
You want to keep Christ in Christmas? Try putting Christ in your life first. Then we’ll talk about how to greet each other. And if you want a truly Christian greeting, one that makes no mistake whether or not you follow the Christ child, try, “the peace of Christ be with you.” You brood of vipers. You hypocrites. Try getting upset over something that matters. Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays

I'm surrounded by idiots. Or.. I used to be.

Christmas is a Christian Holiday (Holy Day)! We are a Christian Nation that allows all people to practice whatever religion they wish. We put it in our Constitution and our Bill of Rights as "Freedom of Religion". Only a Christian Nation would do this. Now, that I've succeeded in pissing some people off, let me conclude by saying: "Take your Happy Holiday greetings and shove 'em up your ass

I just saw a so-called 'friend' (now ex-friend) of mine post this. Obviously it's to piss people off and that's fine. Immature people always feel they need the final word, and I'm sure she feels superior because she all of a sudden grew some ovaries and posted it. Bravo. 

Here's my problem with this "status" (and again, it's a 'copy & paste' status and we all know how much I loathe those).... 

1) We are a Christian Nation that allows all people to practice whatever religion they wish.

A) Ummm, since when are we a Christian Nation? How about Never O'Clock, don't act like an idiot.. do your history. Also, Christianity does not OWN everyone else. We're free to do whatever the hell we want, we don't need them to ALLOW the rest of us to do anything. Get over yourself. Also...look in the mirror.

2) We put it in our Constitution and our Bill of Rights as "Freedom of Religion". Only a Christian Nation would do this.

A) Only a *Christian* nation would promote freedom and choice? Since when? The Inquisition? The Crusades? The war they've been waging on Islam (Muslim) the last ten years? Oh yea... SUPER tolerant these people. 

THIS is WHY I have such a conviction against *most* Christian people. Everyone else makes mistakes, except them. Even when the rest of us are being cordial to them, we're STILL WRONG. Give me a break. I don't think I have to break out the tons of cult leaders who are Christian. How about the child abuse that has and is occuring in CHRISTIAN churches? How about the fact that they murdered and tortured MILLIONS of people just because they wouldn't convert? And, even in our modern day, they are STILL a bunch of a-holes hell bent on having power over everything and everyone. Not this girl. Not this girl's husband and children. I have a brain and a heart. People who pass around statuses like this are ignorant of many things, and I find it especially sad that I know so many of them personally. You don't have to say 'Happy Holidays' to me, I don't give two rats what greeting you use at that time of year. I really don't. I just ask for respect, which you will have in return. My friends and family who are Christian (and also possess intelligence) KNOW that I would never intentionally seek to hurt anyone, therefore when I get on my soapbox they know to either overlook me and/or have an intelligent discussion with me. It's the ignorant Christians that chap me (or ignorant people in GENERAL). They are also the ones who are racist, anti-choice, tyranical, anti-gay/lesbian/transgender, etc. I simply cannot be friends with people like this. It goes against everything I believe in. I will ALWAYS stand up for what I believe and what is right... no matter if I'm standing alone or not. 

Monday, June 27, 2011

Movie reviews.

This particular post is reserved for movie reviews. There are some I've seen, some I haven't. I usually have to wait longer than usual to see most movies, seeing as we live in Europe. Alright. Let's get this ball a-rollin'!

- Thor: Fantastic! My husband didn't enjoy it much, he thought there were too many 'special effects'. I, however, really dug it.

- Green Lantern: (Haven't seen it yet, I'll come back and edit when I have.)

- Monsters: I was just NOT feeling this movie. It didn't even get me on suspense. Meh. I can use one sentence to describe this one: Two octopuses have sex. Yep.

- Battle Los Angeles: I, also, was not feeling this movie much. I'm not sure why but I think it has to do with the fact that alien-take-over has been done to DEATH. It was like I was watching nothing but two hours of explosions. Eh.

- Captain America: (Looks awesome, but I haven't seen it yet, either.)

- Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Pt 1: AMAZING! Of course, I am biased because I have all of the books, have read them a billion times and I'm a HUGE HUGE fan. I do, however, think they could have included more information. They left so many things out, that would have explained certain things. Needless to say, I had to explain everything to my husband after we watched the movie.. and he was all.. "Ohhhhhhhhh!".. haha

- Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Pt 2: (Only a few more days!!!!!!! LOL)

- Batman/The Dark Knight Rises: (This. Movie. Will. Rock.)

- Iron Man/ Iron Man 2: Really dug these movies! I thought they were nicely done, and Mr. Downey does a great job.

- Sherlock Holmes: Again, Mr. Downey was perfect for this part, imo. LOVED this movie and I absolutely cannot wait for the second one.

For now, that's about it. As I said before, I'll come back and list more movies, with reviews. Stay tuned!

Big heart.

I'd love to take away all of the pain, in all of the world, and it kills me that I can't.

Child abuse/neglect.
This war on women and children.
Sexual trafficking/slavery.
Animal abuse/neglect.
Homeless adults/children/families.
World hunger.

I could list things for days.I try to donate at least something to each cause (small amounts of money, time, etc.) but is anything ever enough? There are still children being abused. There are still millions of children being neglected and abandoned. There is still this global war on women. Everything I despise still happens no matter how much we all try. It makes me feel pretty helpless. I can't be the only one who has such a big heart, that I feel the need to change the world. Seeing all of the hate for our fellow man just makes it worse. We see a family getting kicked out of their home and we think.."They must deserve it." I am almost ashamed to call myself human these days. We need a wake-up call. Unite and find peace. Through peace we can finally start to make differences in these horrendous issues. We need a revolution.

There will be sighs.

WARNING: This WILL most certainly contain a beautiful tapestry of profanity, or at least, a small amount.


The beginnings of 'The Pissing Contest 2011' got it's start the other day. During a conversation I was having on children. First of all, let me explain what a 'pissing contest' is for those of you who may not know. It's basically the same as dudes comparing penises and saying.."HEY! MINE'S BIGGER! -other dude - "NU-UH, MINE IS!".. except 'pissing contest' is a more general term. In this particular situation, it's a pissing contest between women, and who has a more challenging life: civilians or military.

I know, I know, I KNOW. I've done this blog before. Or, at least, it seems like I have. Actually, it seems more like I've tried to explain the challenges we military families must go through to have a semi-normal life, whereas, 'civilian' families have to work hard, too..BUT they don't have to worry about deployments, raising their children mostly alone or their spouses DYING. Now, don't get me wrong, please. I'm not discounting dangerous civilian jobs. There are plenty of them. Police Officers and Fire Fighters are just a couple of good examples. I relate so much to those families, because I know what it's like to wonder if you're husband will come home alive. But, if you're spouse has a relatively normal job, I'm wondering how you think it's justifiable that you and I have the same life. *SIGH* Say whaaa? I'm not going to go into what a soldier does, because I'm sure everyone already knows. Those of you who do not know, should be ashamed of yourself. Now, if we compare your spouse working say.. 12 hour days to my husband working say.. 72 hour days. I'm not math magician, but I'm thinking 72 is greater than 12. Also, my husband can get called away at ANY GIVEN MOMENT. He can be gone for days, weeks, months and/or years. Your spouse goes to work, comes home. He can sleep in his own bed at night, have three delicious hearty meals a day and chose to ignore you and his children when he gets home in the evening/night. A soldier will literally give his life for such small pleasures. When my husband and I found we were expecting our daughter (FINALLY), we were beyond happy. We were so beyond happy that happy couldn't even touch us. Blissful may be a more accurate description. Six months in, he got deployed. Since all of you 'civilian' ladies need reminding on what deployed means: he was sent to a WAR. Bombs, guns, bullets, death, bravery. You know, the whole nine. Not sure, and don't quote me, but I've never heard of your man having to shoot at people to stay alive. I digress. He got deployed and there was a chance he may not be able to get back in time for the birth of our child. Yes, that was a REAL issue. Fast forward to my due date... my husband did make it home. I gave birth to our amazing little girl, a whole day before he had to go back to 'the sandbox'. Yes, he had to walk away and leave me and our newborn daughter in the hospital.. not knowing how we were even going to get back to the post, to our apartment. Correct me if I'm wrong but, your man brought you and your child home from the hospital and actually got to stay. I was on my own, with a newborn, for almost four months. NOT by choice of my own or my husband's, keep that in mind. He considered going AWOL because he did not want to leave us, but I wouldn't let him do that. I knew I was strong enough to get through it. And I know women who have done what I have done, I greatly appreciate you ladies (military and non). Here's where I give yet another sigh. *SIGH* This lady had the ovaries to tell me she understood where I was coming from because she had to deal with her newborn alone, too. "But, your husband isn't in the military. He works a normal job. He was still home, right?", I said. "Yea. BUT, he was working 12 hours a day!! So I was all alone.", was her reply. Really? REALLY?!?!?! That's what you're going to come back at me with? My husband was stressed out so totally and completely in a WAR-ZONE, 10,000 miles way from us 24 hours a day for almost four months.. and you want to compare that with 12 hours a day?!?! COME. ON. I changed diapers, fed her every 2 hours, burped, rocked, bathed, took her to checkups, etc... ALL ALONE. ALONE. Do you get what ALONE means? I did all of this alone. Completely. No help, no friends ( I didn't know anyone, seeing as we had just moved here.), no support system because we are in a foreign country. I did it all alone. You had family, friends, your husband, etc. How is that considered alone? There were times I thought I would go insane from all of the stress. I had never had so much stress in my life, but I tried very hard to enjoy our daughter because she IS our miracle. Mostly, because I am a very strong woman, I enjoyed it. However, there were a couple of times all I could do was cry and feel overwhelmed. Which is exactly the normal response. I'm not saying any of this for a pat on the back, or a medal, or even any recognition. I just want YOU to get over yourself and understand that you do NOT understand my life. You do not understand the military world. You don't get it. You never will.

And finally, on to what this whole blog is for... I'd like to tell you that I will not have this pissing contest with you anymore. I refuse. I know how much more challenging my life is than yours. We chose this life and we take responsibility for that, however, I will not let you belittle my strength by saying you KNOW what I have to put up with. By comparing your easy life to my hard one. Actually, I don't really know if it's easy for you or not, but it fucking looks like it. In all honesty, my life is relatively easy. I have an amazing husband, a wonderful daughter, a nice apartment, nice vehicles, a nice bank account, I'm emotionally stable. I am blessed beyond words. I really am. I also have to deal with the military. My husband has to deal with the military, way more than I do. That's one of the many reasons why that man is my personal hero. He can make his job look easy when I know it's not. He has to deal with leaving us, just as much as we have to deal with him leaving. He takes the brunt force of all of this bullshit.. for us. For YOU. For your family. For the whole United States. So, how about instead of having a pissing contest, you just be nice? I get that I'm not always as nice as I should be, and I'm not even saying I get a pass because the military stresses me the fuck out, but when I'm wrong, I appologize. I'll appologize now for any bitchy moments I may have in the near future. It's a consequence of sacrificing, it makes people bitchy. True story.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

The problem is...

I have this problem. It's a pretty major one and it's been bugging me for awhile. I've touched on it in previous blogs, but this time, I'm ready to get down and dirty. With my words, that is. Not physically, because honestly, that would be a little weird. HA!

The problem is... there is this new phenomena of men feeling oh-so threatened because *allegedly* girls (toddlers, children and up) are being taught to be "anti-men". Now. Let me explain. Supposedly us ladies (as moms) are teaching our daughters to be anti-men, and this is direct consequence of us teaching them to be strong intelligent women. Women (girls) who are not afraid to stand up and fight for a fair shake in this day and age. Women (girls) who should be PROUD of who we are (this includes weight, nostril size, boob size, intelligence, etc) and stop catering to a lesser species (men). Before I go any farther I'd like to say that I love my husband. He is one of those RARE men who actually has a nice healthy respect for women, myself and our daughter included (first and foremost), of course. So when I put down men, he is not included. He has sense. He is intelligent. He recognizes the universal balance. So again, I say, he is excluded from this rant. If I ever do a rant about leaving the toilet seat up.. then we'll see. ;)

Back to my thoughts.

I think this all boils down to some men not being prepared to relinquish control over women (as we are seeing with the 'war' on contraceptives and abortion). They are afraid of being second best. Really though, let's be honest. Men have always been second best. I don't know many men who can do everything a woman can do, and not bitch and whine all day about it. I don't know ANY men who can go through childbirth kid after kid, and live to tell the tale. Anyone? I'm open to personal accounts here. Before I write a year long blog, I'll come to my point. Which is : Just because I teach my daughter she should be a strong person, that doesn't mean she can't get married someday. I am a very strong intelligent woman, a bit of a feminist, and yet I am married to a wonderful man. We have a wonderful relationship. I even took his last name. I have a college degree (albeit a small one, but still) and yet I chose to be a stay-at-home-mom. Why? Because I love my husband and I love my daughter. If I wanted to go work for some internet company in the marketing department and make bank, I could. However, I would rather give our daughter the best headstart possible. In this day and age of failed relationships, baby mamas/daddies, disrespect for women and children and the family unit essentially being destroyed... I value the title of wife and I value the title of mother. This also harkens back to a few thoughts I had about the war on stay-at-home-moms, as well. I've heard it said that you can't be a feminist and be a SAHM. Really? Why not? I am. I do it quite well. You've never been to my house. You don't exactly know who calls the shots, do you? I can give you a hint. =)

I digress... lol

I recently spied an article about these anti-choice people attacking the Girl Scouts because "they are teaching young girls/women to be pro-abortion and anti-men". Oh, and let's not forget the "pro-homosexuality" they are getting taught as well. Well gee-golly-gosh, I just was not aware of this. We must stop it. (End sarcasm.) You are either a compassionate person with an open mind, who just happens to view homosexuality as NORMAL (because it IS) or you are not.  65% of the world is in that latter category. I happen to be in the first category. I will teach our daughter that it is completely normal. BECAUSE IT IS. If you happen to be a bigot, well then, you can teach your children hate and close-mindedness. But don't bring it to my house. Don't bring it to my family. Don't bring it to me and you had better definitely never bring it to my daughter. If I do my 'job' correctly as a mother... if anyone ever belittles a gay person (or in racial slur cases, bullying because of weight, etc) in front of my child, she will be tearing you a new one before you can take a second glance. Also, if I do my job correctly as a mother, our daughter will never fall for those idiotic 'lines' men seem to think work so well. I just can't see a parent of a child, especially a daughter, not wanting her to be able to stand up for what she believes in. Even if she is standing alone. Sadly, this also leads me back around to Christianity. (Yes, again.) Women are treated so poorly in that faith. It makes my soul hurt. Why do these women put up with such nonsense? There are feminists in religion, but they are mostly in Pagan religions and/or Atheists and/or Agnostics. Christianity has absolutely tried to destoy the universal balance, and that is what makes me the most angry with their religion. Man and woman exist on equal terms. One cannot live without the other. Woman creates man. However, she cannot do this without the help of man. So therefore, there is yin, there is yang. One gender, race, creed, etc should NEVER be allowed to have more power than the other. So when men start getting all pissy-faced because women are teaching their daughters that they have CHOICES in life, excuse me if I go and throw up with rage. Or rather, blow up. It's ridiculous that in today's society women are still considered second class. We are coming up though, we are fighting. Essentially we are *almost* like the poor honorable slaves of past generations. We are a-comin' and you had better get ready. There was a time when everything was equal. I have faith that it will come again. If not in my lifetime or in my daughter's lifetime.. I will make sure that she understands how much power she wields.

I'm sure I'll hear how much of a hypocrite I am, after this is published. I don't see it as hypocrisy. I see it as living in balance.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Happy Mother's Day!

Whether this is your first or your 50th, Happy Mother's Day. Whether you have furbabies or human babies, Happy Mother's Day. Whether you are still waiting for babies or you have 15 babies, Happy Mother's Day.

The title of 'Mommy' is a sacred one, not to be taken for granted. Although it is YOUR day, honor your children as well because without them you wouldn't be able to wear that title. I know ladies who would give anything to be called mommy and for her friends and family to call her on this day to wish her well. Being a mother is *the* greatest blessing. Being a mother is a career. The most important one that will ever exist. You are shaping a human life. I take being a mommy very seriously. I watch my actions and change them according to how I want my daughter to act. Being a mother is about making mistakes. There is no perfect parent. Perfect doesn't exist. But being the absolute BEST you can, does. Thinking about your child (or children) first is the name of the game. Giving them values, morals and the courage to stand up for their personal convictions. Give them hope, a shoulder to cry on, self esteem, love, strength, imagination, patience and respect. They will give it back to you. The strongest mothers (and people) I've known are the mothers who have lost a child. They must go on while literally missing pieces of their heart and soul. I'm not sure how they do it, but rest assured that they do. I honor these mothers, the most.

So here's to all of you moms out there. Give yourself a great big hug or better yet hug your babies to you. Sit back and revel in the miracles you made. You are AMAZING.

Happy Mother's Day! <3

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Revolution not Devolution

I've been seeing things in a different light since becoming a mother. Well, since becoming pregnant. I have to be honest, I'm not liking what I see. I'm seeing children being kept in PRISONS simply because they are from a different country. I'm seeing mothers and their children being kept in PRISONS simply because they do not agree with the political agenda of their country. I'm seeing Nazis everywhere. Am I becoming delusional? Am I halucinating? Almost everyone I know has something to say (usually negative) about families coming into America from other countries. Has any of you stopped to think about your own ancestors? Every single person living in the US has an ancestor who was at one time called an immigrant. The Pilgrims were not held in prison. I don't seem to recall in history class the story of John Smith and Pocahontas being held in a cell. So what exactly is the deal? Alright, I'll agree with you that everyone who comes into the US should be accounted for. I get that. But to put a CHILD in PRISON?!?!

Let's stop for a second and think about our own children. Would you want your child to be put in prison for something you did? Or rather.. let me rephrase that. Would you want your child in prison for anything? The answer had better be no. Otherwise you shouldn't be a parent to anything, not even an animal. For me, the answer is a big HELL NO. I would rather die a million deaths than to let anything, or anyone, so much as think about hurting my child. Immigrants are no different. Americans are so damn arrogant. "This is MY country! You can't live here because you speak a different language." Seriously?? Look at all of the people who have Latino/Hispanic ancestors and family. I, personally, think this boils down to control. Once again, and as always.. it's about control. But, I digress. You don't put children in prison. I don't care what just went down. Let me rephrase that.. IF they just murdered someone.. alright. If they just came to have a better life, so that they could have two or more meals a day and a safe living environment.. NO. Do you understand that? NO. NO means NO.

I am so bothered by this that I just went into my sleeping daughter's bedroom just to make sure she was sleeping peacefully. And that her face wasn't close to the bars of her crib. If the thought of a child being in prison and who knows what is happening to them...whether it is your child or not... doesn't bother you, you shouldn't have a soul. And you definitely shouldn't be a parent. If you are a parent and you feel these people 'deserve' this, you should be locked up in their place. How people can be so cruel to one another, I will never understand. My temper has gotten the best of me, many times, but I have never wished torture or death upon someone.

Now you might say.. "This is all coming from a soldier's wife? A U.S. soldier's wife? How can she be so nieve? I bet she's a terrorist." Well, it won't be the first time I've been called a 'terrorist', and I imagine it won't be the last. Call me what you will, but I will NOT stand for human beings being treated this way in the country that we sacrifice SO much for. It makes my blood boil that a country who does this can ask it's citizens to put their lives on the line.. so that they can continue to do this to women, children, etc. I love America. I sacrifice everything for 'her'.. everyday. I do without, for 'her'... everyday. My husband puts his life at risk, for 'her'...everyday. If anyone has a right to say what I want.. if anyone's opinion matters most.. it is MINE. It is my HUSBAND'S. We protect the US citizens. The same US citizens that think this sort of behavior is ok. And it makes us sick. SICK. So call me what you want. I don't care. This isn't about me. This is about human rights. The basic right to be treated as such is taken away from women and children (especially) ALL THE TIME. The fathers of our nation would be so disgusted. So ashamed.

(Side note: Do you know what I just LOVE about people who are not associated with the military? The way they always seem to think their opinions matter, on such things as war.. military wages.. and the like. If you do not have a husband or father in the military (because in these two specific situations you actually LIVE the military life..).. YOUR OPINION DOES NOT MATTER. I don't care if people get offended by my saying this. I don't care. Unless you LIVE this life, day after day, year after year.. sacrifice.. put your or your husband's/father's life in jeopardy.. SHUT UP. Just. Simply. SHUT. UP. I don't want to hear how you think we should burn the Quran or how we should bomb such-and-such. Shut it. When you come and walk a few miles in my -our- shoes (which you could NOT do) then you can have a say. Until I said before.. SHUT IT.)

I love you America, but you really need to get your act together. We need a revolution, not a human DEvolution.


Please excuse any errors, as this was written with such speed I didn't have time to go back and check. Thanks.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Should-a, Could-a

I keep seeing posts all over Facebook about how certain women's children are ALWAYS sick and they are just at their wits end. First off, I'd like to say that I am extremely thankful that our little sweetie is ALWAYS healthy. Then again, I have (had) the intelligence to do (and eat) healthy things while pregnant...and to continue to pass those things to my daughter so that not only will she know them, but she can also pass them along to her future family. Now, I totally understand that some things and more of a genetic nature and honestly, not much can be done to prevent those things. Only treat them as they arise. BUT there are things that way too many women do while pregnant that can not only affect their unborn child's development (mental and physical), but it will continue to affect them their WHOLE LIFE. For example (and I'm sure many of you are tired of my personal campaign against smoking (cigarettes and/or weed...but...I'm going to say it any damn way because this is MY blog) women who smoke like trains while pregnant. Your child is going to end up having a LOT of problems. Asthma, chronic lung infections, premature birth, extreme higher rate of birth defects, low birthweight, plecenta previa (you, while pregnant), higher risk of miscarriage (you, while pregnant), and you will end up with a child who just isn't healthy. Period. End of story. The moment you have a positive pregnancy test in hand you should realize it's no longer about YOU. It's about the life you created. And it's your responsibilty AND job as a parent to protect your child, even if that means protecting your child from yourself. It's simple. Doesn't take a rocket scientist to understand this stuff. Whatever you put into your mouth (or body) goes straight to your child while you are pregnant. STRAIGHT TO YOUR CHILD. What part of that do you not get? I wasn't the healthiest eater or most accomplished exerciser, but when I found out that I was pregnant I corrected those things FOR OUR BABY. It was no longer about ME, it was all about that little miracle we had created together.

It just amazes me at the people who do these things while pregnant and just expect that child to be absolutely untouched by their actions. Blows my mind at how retarded these mothers' line of thought can be. Often these same women will use their sick children to get others to feel sorry for them. Sympathy is pretty universal. And I feel sorry for them. The children I mean. I don't feel a bit sorry for the moms. Because...guess what? Maybe you should have thought about that either before getting pregnant and/or while you were pregnant. And maybe just maybe the next time you get pregnant (because I'm 100% positive that you will pop out another child, much to intelligent people's dismay), you will THINK before you act. Use that brain. I'm sure you can figure out what that is. It's the thing that moves around when you shake your head too hard. That thing that hopefully your children will not inherit from you. Here's hoping someone in your family is intelligent and that your child takes after THEM.

I also have to add that some of you may have gotten so lucky as to not have your child affected by anything you did while pregnant. If that is so, then I suggest you start thanking your LUCKY stars, because I've seen many poor babies who've been affected by this stuff, and it's not pretty. Hell, I know people and their kids who have issues all the time because of this. 'Growing' a child is one extremely delicate process, any small thing can throw a monkey wrench into the development of a child. What kind of person are you that you would take such a monumental risk? I'll tell you what kind: selfish.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

The Planned Parenthood defunding and the recent attacks against Womankind.

WARNING: Severe language will be included in this blog. If you are offended, do NOT read.

You've been warned.

Alrighty, here I go. I have no nice words for this  so I'm just going to jump  in.

I can NOT believe America, home of the (supposed) free and land of the brave, has a government that is fighting to take away planned parenthood. I get that they (the gov.) want to keep women from having abortions because some idiots do not believe it should be allowed, although it is a woman's RIGHT to have one, but SERIOUSLY. Do you fucktards really believe that by TAKING AWAY contraception it will lead to less abortions? Did you not have math class in high school and/or college? No contraception = getting pregnant (MANY times, probably with MANY different partners) = poverty stricken women (aka poverty stricken single MOTHERS) = more children being abused, neglected, abandoned, etc. Oh yea, that makes perfect sense. But just as long as they aren't having an abortion, it's all gravy. Right? NO! (And yes, I'm about to hit on a religious rant, once again.) These Christian idiotic cretins are trying to stress the importance of being abstinent. Now, let's be honest with ourselves...who the hell is going to go without sex? I wouldn't. If I couldn't have sex with my husband I WOULD GO INSANE. Do you hear me? IN-fucking-SANE. With children being sexualized earlier and earlier these days, you would have to be the biggest retard to pretend your child will not have sex (just because you told them not to, or because you told them "god" doesn't approve). I can tell you, having been a 15 year old girl, I did not give two shits about who approved if I had sex or not. True fucking story. And if I hadn't have started taking birth control at age 16 I would probably have a fair few children by now. And just to clarify before I say this...I'm not saying children ruin lives, BUT if you are not ready to have children you shouldn't have to. If you WAIT until you are completely ready (as I did) then your child has a much better shot at a fantastic life, and who doesn't want the best for their child?

Now, let's move on to point number two in my rant. Some women need to take birth control because their cycle is severely off and/or because it will make them healthier due to a syndrome they may have. One example: PCOS (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome). I, personally, have PCOS and I'm not ashamed of it. It's is a genetic syndrome passed down through generations and it greatly affects hormonal balances. I, personally, NEED to take birth control because my cycles can get so horribly painful that I can't move. Yes, seriously. Another reason it was recommended for me at age 16, otherwise I may not have been able to go to school at times (because of the pain). Now, I won't get into this much because quite frankly it is way too much tmi, but suffice it to say...that I'm thankful for birth control for mainly that reason. I don't want to be in unbearable pain for a whole week. (And I'm talking constant, neverending pain.) All that being said...PCOS doesn't affect just people with health insurance. It's not selective, it's genetic. So that means low income women have it too. And what does that mean? Well, that means that there are low income women out there who NEED birth control just as much as I do. And if they can't get it because the Christian government still believes in the Puritanical ways of the 16th/17th Century, then what the hell is the point of saying America is a FREE country? Anyone? *crickets chirping* Exactly.

What this boils down to for me, in my opinion, it's a personal attack on women as a whole. WE are acquiring too much power in this world, and, apparently, we must be stopped. We are no longer killing ourselves by having 20 children per family (barefoot and pregnant syndrome), or by being complete slaves to our husbands and/or families), or by being so suppressed that we can't even wear a pair of jeans. WE are CEOs, moms, wives, STRONG, INTELLIGENT, completely self reliant, college professors, business-women, inventors, SOLDIERS, scientists, etc. The list of what a woman CAN do is absolutely endless. I am SO sick of hearing this idiotic opinion (mainly by men/people of the Christian - Abrahamic religions) that women need to be controlled and objectified. Let me tell YOU a little something. I will NOT be controlled. I will NOT be objectified. I will NOT be belittled. I will NOT be talked down to. I will NOT stop expressing myself. I will NOT stop being intelligent. I will NOT turn over my rights (whether reproductive or otherwise), as a woman, to some MAN and/or a government containing mainly MEN. I will NOT back down when I am standing up for myself and/or others. I don't give a shit if you can't handle me or not. That's more YOUR problem and not MINE. I will fight you and anyone else who trys to take away my freedoms. I will fight you until the day I pass from this realm. AND to add a nice little cherry on top, I will teach my daughter to also fight you. So go ahead and try to take away everything that we as women have fought so hard to acheive. You WILL have a war on your hands. Mothers, daughters, aunts, sisters, female cousins and grandmothers make up 98% of this world and there is that old addage "Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned". You really have no idea what you're getting yourself into, do you?

Just so everyone knows....they are not only trying to do this in the House and Congress, but in state governments as well. Georgia, for example, is trying to not only redefine RAPE but they are also attemping to form a "Uterus Squad". Stating that every-woman in the state of GA has to prove any miscarriage they have was 'natural' or 'accidental'. How exactly do you do that? I've had a miscarriage. Do they even know the definition of miscarriage. It's a 'spontaneous abortion caused by a woman's body'. It can be chromosonal complications and/or the mother is not healthy enough to support a growing fetus and/or an egg wasn't properly fertilized by the sperm and/or WHO THE FUCKS KNOWS WHY. I get that there are douche-clown-y women out there who are so fucking stupid that they can't figure out how to use birth control and/or a condom (yes, they make FEMALE condoms) and so they get pregnant (unplanned) and don't want the child so they cause themselves to have a miscarriage. BUT to PUNISH every woman out there because of those nasty bitches is absurd. Those bitches should be sterilized, period. You know what should be a choice for people like that? If you don't want children, get your fucking tubes tied and/or a hysterectomy. Stop being a FUCKING IDIOT. I can't even say enough on this subject because it pisses me off beyond ALL reason. And, yes, I could go on for years and years about this ...and I probably will.

We just simply cannot let anyone (especially MEN) tell us (women) what we can or cannot do. Whether it's about our bodies, reproduction, intelligence, weight, clothing, hair color, careers, etc. Men and women are EQUAL (although we all pretty much know that in reality women are not only the stronger sex, but the more intelligent....well mostly, I know some women who shouldn't even be allowed to be taking up space on this Earth). Without this balance of equality everything goes absolutely wonky (case and point: NOW). Balance, balance, balance, balance....and yes, balance. Do you need me to say it again? FUCKING BALANCE.

Ok, there. NOW I'm done. Well, maybe not.

(BTW, please overlook any misspelt words and/or punctuation issues. I am simply too aggravated to correct it at the moment.) - (I'm also including the link to a very awesome YouTube vid that pretty much expresses the outrage every woman should feel.)

YT vid --> 

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

The Potty Mouth Police

*Foul language WARNING.*

Pet peeve 1,467 - The Potty Mouth Police.

Since when has Facebook and/or Myspace become a family affair? I've been hearing and reading lately, about people so pissed off that someone has dropped the 'F-bomb' and their children happened to have read it. #1) Why are you letting your six year old have a profile on a social network, especially one with mostly adults? I wouldn't. 2) We are all adults, well MOST of us are, so what does it matter how I chose to speak (or type)? I see little teenagers, and even some twenty-somethings typing like they never had an English class before...and they never really get any backlash (although they should because it makes my skin crawl to see 'know' spelt 'no'). The last time I checked I live in the good ole USA. A country of freedom. A country that supposedly upholds the Constitution. I have the right of free speach and by George I'm going to exercise my right. If I want to scream (or rather type, in all caps) the word FUCK...guess what? I'm going to do just that. Don't like it? Well, that's something more in the range of YOUR problem, and not MINE. It just burns my ass to hear from someone how I am vulgar for typing some curse words, when they themselves trade derogatory insults with their spouses and/or other people. What makes you any better than me exactly? Maybe you just want to be the one who messes up your kid, is that it? I tell ya what. De-friend me, and just move it on along. I watch my mouth in front of MY child. I worry about MY child. When I see someone being a total and complete retard I (usually) don't call them out, I either ignore it and move on or I delete them. It's called being grown. And since I am grown, I can do what I want. It's one of those wonderful perks that I completely enjoy about being an adult. All that being said...I am (again..usually) a VERY respectful person those who respect me. If we have this mutual respect and you prefer I tone down my opinions and/or cursing, I do. If I couldn't care any less about you or what you think, it's a different matter.

I could, honestly, rattle on all day about this sort of stuff. But I'll end it here. I just had to get that out of my system because it's been killing me for some time now. Yes, indeed. Ahem...moving on... =)