Tuesday, December 21, 2010

B-log. Yes, it's informative. Sort of.

I was just listening to a podcast [which is also a nationally popular radio show] called Darkness Radio. The newest episode featured this lady who claimed to have been 'cursed' by a Clairvoyant [look it up if you don't know what it means]. Now, first thing. Just because this lady happened to have been Clairvoyant does NOT mean she's a witch of some sort OR into some sort of 'black arts'. Most true Clairvoyants are pretty natural. As in, they don't know they have any extra senses until something dramatic happens to them and it shows up. Which, actually, I believe we all are because our brain is capable of many many things that we can only dream about currently. Some people just happen to be able to tap into those capabilities easier than others. Simple as that. Now, she went on to blame this 'C' for ALL of her problems for like years after the incident. Really? Seriously? I won't deny there are people out there, who are more than willing to put curses on people and send 'spirits' after them, etc. BUT she had no proof this lady even did this. She just assumed. As my old Geometry teacher used to say: Assuming makes an ass out of you and me. When asked if she had proof, she replied with: Her kids were always crying at night when she put them to bed. Um, excuse me lady...have you ever been around children before? Most do cry when they are being put to bed, for various reasons. [Separation anxiety, they want to stay up and play, etc.] That doesn't mean their mom is a demon because they cry. Can I call her an idiot yet? Please, oh please? No? Alright, I'll wait until I finish then. To really put a long story short there is absolutely NO proof this "C" was any sort of Wiccan, Witch, demon worshipper, etc and yet this lady STILL insists she was cursed by this woman. She stated things got so bad for her that she renounced god and started becoming very withdrawn. Now. If you are so worried about being plagued by demons [which is one of her claims btw], wouldn't you want god to protect you? Alright, moving on. She said she had dreams at night consisting of these little imp like creatures surrounding her bed and chanting. Uh huh. Then she goes on to say that one night, after weeks of this dream, she heard the voice of an angel. It told her Gabriel was coming. She felt relief and then saw a bright light and never had any problems after that.

Yea. Now. I believe in paranormal, supernatural, whatever you phrase it as. BUT I am skeptical about other people's experiences because the paranormal is so diverse, it's the healthy thing to do. She may have very well been cursed, but instead of blaming it on someone who read palms, tarot cards, crystal balls, etc...how about look at yourself. Look at your own life. What did SHE do to invite these beings to her? 99% of demonic type activity [which I do NOT believe in] is proven to have been invited in somehow. Is she just blaming the "C" because she doesn't want her own past revealed? She then started talking about how Harry Potter, Twilight, and countless other films/books are ruining today's children. She said it's encouraging them to blood-let [cut themselves] and get into witchcraft and blah, blah, blah. Alright, that's where it really got me. I've been into the "occult" and witchcraft since I was about 15 years old. I've read satanic bibles, I've done spiritual rituals, played with Ouija boards, held seances, investigated haunted places, etc. I have NEVER once been afflicted with any type of demonic anything. I've never been cursed, I've never been harmed in any way. I have been a self proclaimed 'witch' for about 8 years now, and my spirituality has gotten a lot more positive since I was a teen. And my views on life and such have changed dramatically as well. I have also contemplated suicide, and I have cut myself. [All in my teen years.] I did this stuff BEFORE Harry Potter, BEFORE Twilight, BEFORE it was popular to be all Emo and crap. Take in mind I am NOT saying this to get attention or for people to feel sorry for me. I am attempting to make a point. This lady, because of her Christianized view of the world, thinks everything that is not Christian, is evil. Period. End of story. Vampires, werewolves, fairies, etc are making children want to go to the dark side. NO Ms. Lady, that's not what is making them want to experience other things. And for your info there cannot be a light without the dark. If there is no balance, the world goes nuts, much like it is now. I have a suggestion for this lady. You stay in your little cage you call a world and I'll be out here having the time of my life, honouring the people I love, as well as the Earth and all of her beauty. When you do have children you can teach them what you want, but don't you dare tell my child that her mother is 'evil' just because I am a Pagan.

Moral of the story? Maybe there isn't one. I'm truly not trying to judge, but it is so hard to keep my mouth shut and my fingers held down when something like this comes to my attention. Not all "C"s are evil, not all witches are 'witch trial material', not all Christians are hypocrites, not all Satanists believe in an actual Satan [don't believe me, look it up]. So my main point, although I took FOREVER in getting here] is that parents are no longer parents. Most of them want to be friends with their child instead of trying to actually teach them things. If you are concerned with what your child is reading or doing, GET INVOLVED. Don't criticize, that only makes things worse. Just BE there. Stop putting your jobs first, stop putting your boyfriends and girlfriends first, STOP STOP STOP sucking as a parent. Tired? Worn-out? TOO BAD. Protecting our children is a parent's JOB. You don't protect them, you don't make them feel wanted/loved/needed/valuable. Guess what? Bad things happen. They turn to things that may not be so safe for them. But they do it BECAUSE they need to feel SOMETHING. So, yes, to me, it comes down to parents need to start being parents and stop sucking at life.

Will I let Cambria watch vampire and werewolf movies? Yes. Will I support her in any religious choice she makes as she becomes older? Yes. Will I be happy if I happen to raise a beautiful, intelligent, open-minded, tree-hugging hippie who thinks fairies exist and live in the tree stumps? Yes. But I do refuse to make her think everything is evil. I refuse to put her into a cage away from the world and make her think being strong is stupid. Stupidity is stupid. And this, my friends, leads me to the thing I've wanted to do this entire blog. Call this woman an IDIOT. Because she is truly one of the many who still populate this wonderful world we live in.


Any Witch, Wiccan, etc... worth their weight will tell you plain and simply that they do not, will not, have never cursed anyone. We believe that whatever you put out [may it be bad thoughts, anger, etc] will come back to you three times more intense than what you sent. Also called Karma. And believe me, when Karma comes-a-callin' you don't want to answer.

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